I just can’t believe someone can control his body to such degree. for a person who can’t even understand how…
It’s been 4 days since I got back from Japan/China Trip, and now I can’t sleep. I was sleeping okay…
I ended up going to a hospital. Spent almost full 4 days in bed (or at least couldn’t go out),…
7 days since arriving to Japan, and Yue had a great time here, and now on her way to China.…
帰国の予定がほぼ固まりました。。。が。。。 ムチャ過密スケジュール。 10/9に成田について、翌10,11日は親父方の祖父母のいる宮崎に。 12,13のどちらかが弟夫婦に挨拶で、もう一日は母方のばあちゃんと鎌倉/江ノ島散策。 14日高校時代の友人とあって、15におじさんのところに挨拶。 16日の日曜日には嫁さんが一人中国へ。。。。 せっかく一週間あるけれど、嫁さんの初めての日本滞在は本当に挨拶回りだけになりそう。。。 まぁ、俺の方は翌週一週間(17~23)は特にすることもないんで、久しぶりの日本を満喫と。。。 平日暇な方、遊んでください。。。(笑)
THE Good News is now on its way via USPS. Someone told me that…
While it’s sad that Manu has left us, we received a news that worth a celebration. We had a nice…
Every morning i get up around 6:00 and walk Manu every morning around our neighborhood. During the summer, it was…
I’m at an outlet mall right now. Mote specifically at J.Crew store. I used to like it here. not like…