can’t believe taking me so long to finish the trip blog… It’s been almost 2 month since we came back!!
Day 4 in China:
First Stop: Tien Tang Park (or something like this… SWMBO, please chime in!)
The English name for this particular building is “The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest”. as you can see, it can been written in 3 characters ”祈年殿”. As it name indicate, the emperors prayed for the good harvest in this building.
it’s a huge building! You can see the part of description here.
Stone curving: you see this type of curving in the center of stairs in many of the Chinese buildings.pretty cool roofingsThis whole area (where emperors did series of prayers) is being like a park. and it’s HUGE. each areas are 10-15 minutes away, and just walking through takes long time… this is so different from Japan, where everything is so close to each other…there was a group practicing ribbon thing… unfortunately (?), this old guy with pink ribbon was doing the best, compare to any other girls/ladies practicing…
After a long walk in Tien Tang (?) park, we went to the street with bunch of street food vendors. This is more for the tourist, but well.. we are tourist!
Grilled squidI guess, everyone suppose to through away the sticks and trash on the street… didn’t really get it, but i did follow the suit…Steamed Bun
Then went in to a very touristy, expensive for what it is, type restaurant.. but again, we are tourist and that’s what tourists do!
soupmeat cooked in broth ?some fruity drinkcoffee or tea, i can’t rememberthis was my favorite!. it was pretty good dumplings.Jar-Jang men soup-less noodle with meat sauce.fried sweet snack.
Movie TheatreThen we went to the modern shopping mall area. Just for the price check!street sign (?)
Day 5: the last sight seeing day in China…
This was a short day. we went to the Tibetan Temple in Beijing, and then, headed to a black market where you see a lot of fake goods, and some knockoffs…
Pretty much as soon as walk out of the train station, I could smell the incense used at the temple.the map of the templea lot different from Buddhist temple in Japan, it is very colorful in red blue yellow and gold.the buildings are very large, and tall. I didn’t take pictures much since it is an active temple where people come to pray…
After the temple, we went to lunch and then to the shopping…
A congee restaurant. it was pretty good! but somehow, i didn’t have any pictures from this meal…
We also stopped at a McDonald so that we can use their restroom and their wifi. ^^;
For dinner, we went to a family style restaurant near SWMBO’s parents’ house.
some kind of sprout of a tree. Very interesting taste. First, wasn’t sure how I like it, but more bite you have, you kind of start liking it…Stir Fried potatopancake with meat fillingsSweet porkSpicy fired lambGreen beans and pork stir fry
Our last day, SWMBO’s mother went to her work place reunion, and brought back a cake. It’s wishing for her healthy long life. the cake was delicious!
On our way back, the meal in the airplane was… hm… oh well..
Again, this trip was very busy but a lot of fun and delicious food!
Thanks for all our friends and family. it was great to see you all!