Another Fun Weekend with Cincinnati Region SCCA.
Saturday was their Autocross 101 -Novice School.
There were 40+ novices signed up, and had a great time. I was there as one of the coaches/volunteer worker.
I truly not believe I’m good enough to teach someone how to drive, but hopefully I was at least helpful get them going to the right direction… It’s been 8 years or even more since I started this sport, and I still feel like a novice student myself. There always faster drivers, and always something to learn…
It was very hot day, and by the time we finished school, and finished setting up the course for Sunday event, I was so exhausted… I got home close to 7PM, and I still needed to rotate the tires before I finally took shower… I was in bed and dead asleep before 10:00…

So hot I was wilting…
Sunday was our regular point event. Very interesting course. It seems many people scratched their head when they saw the map first time… I did too… but once walked, there’s only one way to tackle those multiple options the course offers. The course offered both very tight elements and wide open sections.
After my runs, I thought that I lost a lot of time at Cul de Sac. Just couldn’t feel right with any of my downshifting and hairpin turn. I was a little over half a second behind my co-driver, and I thought I lost most of my time from the Cul de Sac. After reviewing the video, it turned out I lost all the time at the very last two elements. tight right hand corner and a Chicago box! I wasn’t doing too shabby up until that point. I pushed bit too hard into the last right hander, ended up pushing into the Chicago box, resulting I couldn’t stay on gas as I should have. For all time I was thinking how I lost my time at downshifting, hairpin, and the truth was a simple two elements that I should know better how to deal with…
Anyhow, here’s my comparison video of me and my co-driver, and then the 360 degree video of my best run.