Cincy Region SCCA hosted Wilmington Match Tour from 04/11 to 04/13, 2014.
I did not run this event (national event is bit overwhelming for me yet…), but was worked on Saturday and Sunday. Bit regret that I did not run, but watching those top drivers itself was a lot of fun.
I took this opportunity to put my photography skill to test. My choice of weapon was my new Olympus EM-5 with 12-50mm zoom lens, and my old trusted Olympus E-520
with Nikon 80-200mm zoom lens (using adaptor).
EM-5 is a great camera, however I found that the live lcd view finder is never fast enough, and not suited for those high speed automotive event photography. On the other hand, my E-520 with old nikon lens with manual focus worked out much better than I expected. I took over 1100 pictures, but after removing out of focus photographs and duplicated (somewhat) pictures, I was left with about 600 pictures. Bit disappointing with the accuracy, but thanks to the digital age, no extra cost by taking more pictures!
I uploaded them to my Media Site (the same address as the old media site, but I took down my old site and started brand new!), so please take a look.
All the pictures from the event is free to download in low resolution for anyone, but if you’d like to have high resolution please register (no cost). If you like the pictures, please consider donation as well!