This year, we visited Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Park. On the way, as always, we stopped to visit our…
This year, we visited Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Park. On the way, as always, we stopped to visit our…
It’s been crazy busy at work and didn’t have energy to update when I get back home…. but finally the…
This year, we visited Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Park. On the way, as always, we stopped to visit our…
It’s always good to be back home, but I really wanted to stay where we were a few days ago……
I will be back….. Before spring comes…
It’s been 4 days since I got back from Japan/China Trip, and now I can’t sleep. I was sleeping okay…
I ended up going to a hospital. Spent almost full 4 days in bed (or at least couldn’t go out),…
7 days since arriving to Japan, and Yue had a great time here, and now on her way to China.…
帰国の予定がほぼ固まりました。。。が。。。 ムチャ過密スケジュール。 10/9に成田について、翌10,11日は親父方の祖父母のいる宮崎に。 12,13のどちらかが弟夫婦に挨拶で、もう一日は母方のばあちゃんと鎌倉/江ノ島散策。 14日高校時代の友人とあって、15におじさんのところに挨拶。 16日の日曜日には嫁さんが一人中国へ。。。。 せっかく一週間あるけれど、嫁さんの初めての日本滞在は本当に挨拶回りだけになりそう。。。 まぁ、俺の方は翌週一週間(17~23)は特にすることもないんで、久しぶりの日本を満喫と。。。 平日暇な方、遊んでください。。。(笑)